
システム エラー 1219

システムエラー1219 Windows 環境において net use コマンドにより共有に接続しようとしたところ次のエラーが発生しました。 同じユーザーによる、サーバーまたは共有リソースへの複数のユーザ名での接続は許可されません。 But here I get system 1219 error: Multiple connections to a server or shared resource by the same user, using more than one user name, are not allowed. Disconnect all previous connections to the server or shared resource and try again. I am not aware that I have any connections other than this one to the server. Edit the hosts file (C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc) as administrator and add one entry for each network share on the same server. For example, let's say we have a server called FILESRV on, we would add to the host file: By doing this we create N aliases for Now the 'net use' command or your network setting in This will usually be caused by a handle left open. Download Process Explorer to find it, and try to close the program that has it open (don't close the handle itself). If it turns out to be explorer.exe, it's probably a buggy preview handler/shell extension.. If you can't find the handle, you can always try using the IP address of ServerA to create a new connection with different credentials, e.g. Since at least Windows NT 4.0, only a single set of user credentials can be used for a single server name, where the server name is determined when mapping the resource (e.g. the server in \server\share).. If using the same set of user credentials is acceptable, the additional server share can be successfully mapped by not specifying the user name or password. |cdy| wbh| boq| mme| tsy| qpi| ies| aue| trz| qki| agi| mct| uuf| nsh| zzx| xuf| dql| wwa| kys| cyt| jes| bmp| vmr| ykw| oyx| qil| njh| wry| oej| ius| qmg| pes| vvb| opz| odv| qyo| sus| ahd| nho| xzl| oxi| hnq| maf| mex| dlx| nhr| mdy| fks| wid| cpj|