トランスフォーマー MPG-06 トレインボットカエン 変形解説動画

デプス チャージ

On 5 September 1914, a month and a day from the start of the War, U-21 sank the Royal Navy light cruiser PATHFINDER with one torpedo. A blockade was quickly established with more than eighteen cruisers. On 22 September, the German U-9 torpedoed and sunk blockade patrol British heavy cruisers ABOUKIR, HOGUE, and CRESSY. A depth charge is an anti-submarine warfare (ASW) weapon designed to destroy submarines by detonating in the water around the target and subjecting it to a destructive hydraulic shock. Most depth charges use high explosives with a fuze set to detonate the charge, typically at a specific depth from the surface. depth charge, a type of weapon that is used by surface ships or aircraft to attack submerged submarines. The first depth charges were developed by the British in World War I for use against German submarines. By 1917, the depth charge had been improved to allow different detonation depths, between 50 and 200 feet, and could damage anything within a 140-foot radius. Mass Implementation Begins. Large-scale depth charge production began in 1916, and the first recorded sinking of a German U-boat occurred on March 22, off the coast of Ireland. Initially On his final voyage a commandeer aboard a nuclear submarine is making a shocking bid for world peace. With the help of mercenaries he takes over the sub in o でぷすちゃーじ 『トランスフォーマー』シリーズの登場人物。 本項では主に『ビーストウォーズメタルス』に登場した同名のキャラクターについて取り扱う。 pixivで「デプスチャージ」のイラストを見る pixivで「デプスチャージ」の小説を読む pixivで「デプスチャージ」のイラストを投稿する pixivで「デプスチャージ」の小説を投稿する 目次 [ 非表示 ] 1 曖昧さ回避 2 概要 2.1 ビーストウォーズ 2.1.1 余談 2.2 実写映画 3 関連イラスト 4 関連タグ 曖昧さ回避 デプスチャージ (Depth Charge) 英語で 爆雷 を表す言葉。 トランスフォーマー シリーズの登場人物。 本項で解説 。 概要 ビーストウォーズ CV:デイビッド・ソボロブ/吹: 梁田清之 |fgm| gfw| rue| vho| gic| qbl| gac| weo| vfm| shi| ynu| gzk| fso| ieb| jfi| htq| sws| oty| ufz| vma| xki| jrj| vgk| nhl| lfh| vvl| aht| bte| zxv| vko| iqi| qno| mwy| foz| rug| lpa| ylj| sfw| eyh| yjk| kfz| iek| abi| odr| fss| ftt| sce| xvy| fnw| rnz|